The North Florida Elite 60 Wahoo tournament will run from Saturday, November 25th, 2023 until Sunday, January 14th, 2024.
Each boat will be eligible to fish a maximum of 3 days. The Captain must declare their fishing day no later than 9:00pm the day before by notifying the tournament committee by the Reel Time Fishing App to declare your fishing day.
The heaviest 2-fish aggregate will be the North Florida Elite 60 Winner.
It is not required that the winner weigh 2 fish. If a single weighed fish weighs more than any 2 fish aggregate weighed, then that single fish will win or place.
Each boat will be eligible to weigh 1 Wahoo per day.
You may leave and return from any inlet of your choice but may not deploy baits outside of the boundaries. Boundaries are latitude 28.15.000 South and 31.50.000 North. All Boats must fish within the Atlantic Ocean in US Waters.
All fish must be weighed in Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville located @ 11702 Beach Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32246 from 9am to 11am the day following/after the declared fishing day.
A maximum of 6 lines are allowed. No electric reels permitted for trolling any hooked bait or lure. Electric reels may be used for hookless teasers. Wire Lines are allowed.
A digital photograph of the fish with the tournament issued boat number is required on the water as soon as possible after the fish has been landed.
Use of flying drones in the tournament is prohibited.
No mutilated fish will be accepted.
You may fish from 7:00am (lines in) until 5:00pm (lines out).
You must return to the inlet of your choice by 8:00pm on your designated fishing day. All declared boats must check in by the Reel Time Fishing App once they are back with inshore AND They MUST indicate if they have fish to weigh.
The Captain and Crew of all entrants are subject to a polygraph at any time during the tournament. Winning Captains may be required to submit and pass a polygraph test prior to being presented any prize. Failure to submit to a polygraph test automatically revokes all claims and prizes and disqualifies the Captain and crew from the tournament.
Purchasing or penning live bait is PROHIBITED. Live bait may be used if caught during fishing hours on declared fishing days.
You may undeclare a fishing day for whatever reason by 8:00am the day of fishing as long as fishing lines have not been deployed.
You may substitute a boat once if the substitute boat is not registered in the tournament.
Only one prize per boat excluding – Tournament-Within-A-Tournament (TWT).
All decisions by tournament committee are final.
Entry Fee is $1500 and only 60 paid entries will be accepted. The Captains Meeting – Kickoff Party will be held at the Mudville Grille located at 3105 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 @ Noon on November 18th, 2023.
This is a Captain’s Choice Tournament. Each Captain is solely responsible for the safety of his/her vessel and crew at all times. Captains and crews are responsible for following any federal, state and local fishing or boating laws. We encourage all Captains to heed any weather warnings of dangerous weather conditions, as safety is paramount. It is up to each participant to determine whether their craft is seaworthy for the conditions of any given fishing day.