Lady Angler Of the Year Leaderboard

**A Lady Angler can only win one board. If a Lady Angler has enough points to win the  Angler of the Year or is qualified to win the Junior Angler of the Year, they must choose which board they want to win. The subsequent boards will fall to the person with the next highest point totals.**
All Lady Angler Catches will only be valid if caught on a Bluewater Club Member's Boat that is in good standing.
For the Overall Lady Angler Leaderboard, Individual Lady Angler Leaderboards points are assigned by the following:
1st Place = 100 points
2nd Place = 50 points
3rd Place = 25 points
** In the event of a points tie between 2 or more Lady Anglers, the Lady Angler that weighed or released a board placed fish first (date) will be assigned 5 points, thus breaking the tie.  If both Lady Anglers caught/released their first board placed fish on the same day, the 5 points will  go to largest of the fish weighed and/or greatest number of releases.**